Terms & Conditions

The products displayed on this website may be purchased online or at our store unless stated otherwise.

All prices are shown in Australian dollars and include GST (10%). All prices are correct at time of publication, however we reserve the right to alter prices for any reason. If this should happen after you have ordered a product, we will contact you prior to processing your order.

All items and offers are subject to availability at the advertised price.

We reserve the right to withdraw any product from sale without notice, for any reason. However for various reasons, that product might still appear on our website for a period of time after that withdrawal. We make no undertaking that a product shown on this website will be available for purchase online or at our store.


We will endeavour to ensure that information provided through this website is accurate and current. However we cannot, and do not, represent or warrant the accuracy, adequacy, completeness of information on this website or that it is up to date. For example (but without limitation):

Prices and colours of products may change, and all products are subject to availability;

Variations to products may occur from time to time for various reasons including changes in seasonal range or product specification;

While we try to represent products including but not inclusive to fit and colour, accurately, the representation on your screen may be different to the actual product for various reasons;

Description of products are summaries only, with further information available on request to us; and
Due to technical or human error, information may be recorded incorrectly or omitted.

We do not accept responsibility for any loss or suffering as a result of reliance on the accuracy, adequacy, completeness or currency of information on this website.

We do not warrant that access to this website will be uninterrupted or error-free, that defects will be corrected or that the site or the server that makes it available are free of viruses, bugs or anything similar that may impact the functionality, accuracy and/or reliability of the website. We will not be responsible or liable to you for any loss of content or material uploaded or transmitted through the website.


Bella Angel Boutique honours statutory conditions and warranties to the extent that they are implied under the Trade Practises Act (1974). You may seek a refund if goods;
Are or become faulty through no fault of your own;

Have defects that were not obvious or we did not bring to your attention;

If you have any questions or concerns about any of our policies, please don't hesitate to drop us an email or phone us during business hours and we will be happy to help.